XENIX 3.0 toupper() and tolower() broken

Dan Levin N6BZA djl at fisher.UUCP
Wed Sep 25 13:54:34 AEST 1985

Found this one while trying to make sendmail work,... all the lines of
the form
came out of the form

Seems that the XENIX 3.0 ctype.h has toupper() and tolower() defined as
macros like this,...
#define toupper(x) (ifsomething(x) ? dosomething(x) : (x))
which breaks badly if (x) is autoincrement or autodecrement. Ie.
toupper(s++) goes to (ifsomething(s++) ? donesomething(s++) : (s++)),
which is clearly wrong.

The fix is to ctype.h, to not use the trinary operator; or to use the
libc versions instead (by #undef'ing toupper() and tolower());

NB:  This only holds for the Intel distribution, I have not checked the
IBM XENIX 3.0 release.


The misplaced (You call *that* a ski slope??) Californian

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