'mv foo ..' when . is foo

Sean Casey sean at ukma.UUCP
Mon Sep 2 13:35:56 AEST 1985

In article <118 at cithep.UucP> tim at cithep.UucP (Tim Smith ) writes:
>At cithep, this is what happens:
>$ mkdir foo
>$ cd foo
>$ touch foo
>$ mv foo ..
>mv: ../foo is a directory
>I don't quite know what version of UNIX cithep is any more ( At one
>time this machine had parts or 32V, TS 1.?, Sys III, and 4.1bsd
>pageing code ( cleaned up, of course )).  God only knows where mv
>came from!

Uhhh, this is correct behavior for mv.  What you are trying to do is
clobber a directory by moving a file, a definite no-no.



-  Sean Casey                           UUCP:   sean at ukma.UUCP   or
-  Department of Mathematics                    {cbosgd,anlams,hasmed}!ukma!sean
-  University of Kentucky               ARPA:   ukma!sean at ANL-MCS.ARPA

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