awk bug (or is it a feature)

P. D. Guthrie pdg at ihdev.UUCP
Wed Apr 23 06:18:45 AEST 1986

In article <800 at brahma.cs.hw.AC.UK> pjbk at (Peter King) writes:
>Our version of awk does not allow one to use a field specified
>by a numerical expression as the left hand side of an expression.
>The file below will pass the standard input through unmodified,
>although it is designed to replace the last field in each record
>with "LAST FIELD".  Is this a bug or a feature?
> -----------------------
> { $NF = "LAST FIELD"
> print}

This works fine for me,  so you must have a bug in your release.

Paul Guthrie				`When the going gets weird,
ihnp4!ihdev!pdg				 The weird turn pro'
					  - H. Thompson

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