inews/rnews failure

brown at nicmad.UUCP brown at nicmad.UUCP
Tue Apr 15 09:06:29 AEST 1986

[maybe the line-eater won't get this, but inews/rnews is]

We have been having some strange things going on around here.  There is
a user who can't post any news articles to save his life.  He can't do it
with postnews, pnews or from inside of rn.  His articles always end up
in our news directory (/news/news).  When he logged into my terminal, he
was still unable to postnews.  After I logged back in again, I couldn't post
either.  I ended up rebooting the VAX.

There is another user whose article ended up the the graveyard today.  He
can normally post.

I also seemed to have noticed, that is uucp is running, my postings fail.
Postnews also says that the article was posted successfully.

We are running 4.2BSD on 11/750.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on?  Is there any kind of debugging
tool that I can turn on?  Please respond via e-mail.  It would be greatly

Mike Brown

            harvard-\     \
Mr. Video      seismo!uwvax!nicmad!brown
              topaz-/     /

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