inews/rnews posting problem: a fix/cure

brown at nicmad.UUCP brown at nicmad.UUCP
Mon Apr 21 04:32:40 AEST 1986

[Take this poison, you dumb line-eater!!!!]

I previously posted an article requesting help on why inews/rnews was not
successfully posting articles for certain people.

Well, Laura (trwrb!ljb) sent me a note saying that possible the 'limit
filesize' environment parameter was causing the problem.  It was.  The users
is question had a limit of 2m.  I had removed mine long ago.  Because I have
enough disk space, news can be kept on line for 4 weeks, enough to keep the
history file over the limit.

My public thanks to Laura for her help.

Mike Brown

            harvard-\     \
Mr. Video      seismo!uwvax!nicmad!brown
              topaz-/     /

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