bugs: 1 in adb and 1 in lex (4.2bsd VAX)

der Mouse mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
Wed Apr 23 16:43:00 AEST 1986

Environment: 4.2bsd on a VAX.

I had adb coredump on me!  It seems to be repeatable (this is of course
not how it happened the first time):

	% adb
	Floating exception (core dumped)

It's pretty obvious to anyone who knows VAX floating-point format what
is going wrong.  That value is a floating reserved operand.  But the
last thing adb should do is coredump over it (or over anything for that
matter)!  I expect a message; perhaps something like "(reserved
operand)" instead of the floating-point value.

I also had lex coredump on me.  I had a file `x' and a file `x.lex'; by
mistake I said `lex x' rather than `lex x.lex'.  Lex coredumped!
Again, I would expect error messages (lots of them).  Here it is, done

	% lex << FOO
	/* note that // gets turned into /* and */ by comcon
	int variable;		// comment
	Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Unfortunately /usr/bin/lex is stripped so I have no idea where it is

Oh well.  Perhaps someday I will even have fixes for these (not this
time though).
					der Mouse

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Wizard:  One who can find and fix bugs in an emergency
	(such as during re-entry).

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