Is there a bug in Usenet?

Edward C. Bennett edward at ukecc.UUCP
Fri Jul 4 22:36:22 AEST 1986

In article <584 at codas.ATT.UUCP>, mikel at codas.ATT.UUCP (Mikel Manitius) writes:
> I just logged in to find out that both our active and
> history files had been wiped out to zero bytes. It was
> easy enough to recover, but does anyone know of a bug
> in the news software (ver 2.10.2) that bas been known
> to do such things?

	This is getting real wierd. Thing same thing happened here also!
This morning I discovered that my active and history files were gone.
Not just empty, but GONE! Judging by the modify time on oactive I'm
guessing that expire is the culprit. (I'm running 2.10.3 alpha.)

	Maybe this is a hidden gotcha in expire.c ;-)

Edward C. Bennett

UUCP: ihnp4!cbosgd!ukma!ukecc!edward

Kentucky: The state that needs Japan to bring it into the 20th century.

"Goodnight M.A."

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