
Brandon Allbery allbery at ncoast.UUCP
Mon Jul 28 01:43:13 AEST 1986


Quoted from <273 at watmath.UUCP> ["Re: C Compiler bug (and fix for a different one)"], by rbutterworth at watmath.UUCP (Ray Butterworth)...
| I'll trade for a fix for a problem with void functions and the ?: operator.
| void f3(which)
| {
|     extern void f1(),f2();
|     which?f1():f2();
| }
| cc(1) gives an "incompatible types" error.

That's not a bug, it's a feature.  Literally.

Before you start complaining, consider that the intent of functions returning
(void) is that of:

#define procedure void

procedure f1(x, y) {

  ---------------- /--/	Brandon S. Allbery		UUCP: decvax!cwruecmp!
 /              / /|\/	Tridelta Industries, Inc.        ncoast!tdi2!brandon
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  /   / /    / /  /	     -- HOME --			 (216) 781-6201 24 hrs.
 /   / /    / /  /	6615 Center St. Apt. A1-105	ARPA:  ncoast!allbery%
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