strange troff bug

David Oskard dno at cvl.UUCP
Sat May 24 02:35:45 AEST 1986

	Here's a strange one:

	When troff prints (or tries to print) a horizontal rule,
such as is found in the square root sign, if it is "too close" to the
bottom of the page, it ends up being printed on the next page instead 
of on the current page.  This is rather inconvenient, especially when
you're the maintainer of troff and have no desire to rewrite it.

Has anyone out there encountered this bug?  Better yet, has anyone found
a solution to this problem? --besides not writing any more papers or
switching to TeX.   Thanks for any clues.

				David Oskard
				U. of Md. Center for Automation Research
				dno at

PS.  more info. about our setup--we have an Imagen 8/300 running version 2.1
	of their operating system.

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