Interresting quirk in cal? (1752)

gam at amdahl.UUCP gam at amdahl.UUCP
Thu May 8 16:42:16 AEST 1986

In article <853 at ttrdc.UUCP> levy at ttrdc.UUCP (Daniel R. Levy) writes:

> In article <13490 at ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU>, weemba at brahms.BERKELEY.EDU (Matthew P. Wiener) writes:
> >
> >Does cal(1) work correctly in other countries, by the way?  For example,
> I kind of doubt it, since the manual says the calendar used is that for
> England and its (her) colonies.

I'm kinda amazed that all these questions about the date(1) command
have come up!  When I told someone else about all this going on here in
net.bugs (!), they asked me, "Was this posted on April 1st?" Well, was
that question about Sept. 1752 for real or an April Fool's joke?

I hope you guys realise that the Unix manual pages *define* what
features/abilities and sometimes defects each component (command,
system call, subroutine, etc) has, along with other supplied
documentation.  I thought this was obvious, but then this is my job!  I
work in UTS Product Support and I fix bugs and decide what the product
component *should* do, based on what the documentation says (and
sometimes I even have to change the documentation!).  In any case, I
always make sure that the manual page is correct, clear, and true.
Because I consider it the definition of the component.  (the ultimate
authority is the System V Interface Definition, of course).

So, either we have seen a lot of cute jokes, or some people don't
realise how helpful it might be to real the fruitful manual!
Gordon A. Moffett		...!{ihnp4,seismo,hplabs}!amdahl!gam

I speed up to run over unicorns.
[ This does not represent Amdahl Corporation ]

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