bugs in /bin/mail - not this time

Kenneth Ng ken at argus.UUCP
Sun Oct 19 12:57:58 AEST 1986

In article <755 at mtune.UUCP>, jhc at mtune.UUCP (Jonathan Clark) writes:
> In article <3000002 at cdp> scott at cdp.UUCP writes:
> >How can you send binaries in mail.
> You can't. That's why uucp(1) and uuto(1) were invented. Encoding is
> cheating.
As long as all the sites on the path are Unix machines you are probably
ok.  But if it should encounter other machines on the way I wouldn't
trust uucp or uuto at all.  The worst case is if "smart" mailer routes
it over bitnet for speed purposes.  I seriously doubt if there will
be ANYTHING usable after it goes to bitnet and back.

Kenneth Ng: Post office: NJIT - CCCC, Newark New Jersey  07102
uucp !ihnp4!allegra!bellcore!argus!ken
     ***   WARNING:  NOT ken at bellcore.uucp ***
bitnet(prefered) ken at orion.bitnet

McCoy: "This won't hurt a bit"
Chekov: "That's what you said last time"
McCoy: "Did it?"
Chekov: "Yes"

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