Problem with bib and eqn

roy at phri.UUCP roy at phri.UUCP
Wed Oct 29 07:16:47 AEST 1986

Index:	new/bib 4.2BSD

	Some of the bib reference formats save the last character of %T
	(and other) lines so duplicate punctuation can be avoided.  If you
	are using eqn with bib, and a %T line happens to end in eqn's
	delimiter, you will end up with an extra delimiter in your eqn
	input, causing all kinds of havoc.  I'm not sure if this should
	really be classified as a bug -- perhaps "unexpected pitfall" would
	be a better term.

	Using are reference style that has the "TT" flag, cite a reference
	like the following, and send the output of bib through eqn, using
	"$" as your delimiter.

	%A R. A. Weisberg
	%A L. W. Enquist
	%A C. Foeller
	%A A. Landy
	%D 1983
	%J J. Mol. Biol.
	%V 170
	%P 319-342
	%T Role for DNA homology in site-specific recombination.  The
	isolation and characterization of a site affiity mutant of
	coliphage $ lambda $

	The corresponding bib output will look like this:

	.ds [F Weisberg \fIet al.\fR 1983
	.ds [A Weisberg\*(b]R\*(p]\*(a]A\*(p]
	.as [A \*(c]Enquist\*(b]L\*(p]\*(a]W\*(p]
	.as [A \*(c]Foeller\*(b]C\*(p]
	.as [A \*(m]Landy\*(b]A\*(p]
	.ds ]A ]  <--- I suppose this is a possible danger spot as well
	.ds [D 1983
	.ds [J J. Mol. Biol.
	.ds ]J .  <--- might have trouble here too, but we're OK this time.
	.ds [V 170
	.nr [P 1
	.ds [P 319-342
	.ds [T Role for DNA homology in site-specific recombination.  The isolation and characterization of a site affiity mutant of coliphage $ lambda $
	.ds ]T $  <--- here's the culprit

	The easy workaround is to simply make sure lines in your bib
	reference file don't end in eqn delimiters.  One way to do it would
	be to stick a "\&" at the end of offending lines.  Alternatively,
	you could go into the bib code and change the routines that
	generate .ds output to be more careful about what they generate,
	but I don't think that's really necessary, or even a good idea.
Roy Smith, {allegra,philabs}!phri!roy
System Administrator, Public Health Research Institute
455 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016

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