named pipes

Darren Friedlein darren at bacchus
Thu Apr 14 14:27:01 AEST 1988

OK - Is there anyone out there that can explain to me how named pipes work
(specifically on the UNIXpc)?  I understand the concept, but I don't know
how to implement them.  I believe /dev/lp is one, but I'm not sure.  Does
each one require a device driver?  Does the fact that I use the pty package
make things any easier?


/******                      /*****       {mcnc}            Darren G. Friedlein
 *     *      /******        *            {icus}  Rt 4 Box 416, Durham NC 27703
 *     *      *              *            {ethos}    data(bacchus):919/596-7746
 *     *urham \*****\        *     ompany {gladys}           voice:919/596-9492
\******             *oftware \*****       {bakerst}!bacchus!darren
"I broke a mirror in hy house - I'm supposed to get seven years bad luck but
my lawyer thinks he can get me five."            -Steven Wright

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