MacDraw-Like packages for the UNIX-PC (Summary of Responses)
Bruce McKee
mckee at vu-vlsi.Villanova.EDU
Mon Aug 8 07:20:06 AEST 1988
This posting lists the responses to the following request:
Question: "Is There a MacDraw-Like package for the Unix-PC?"
Answer: Maybe. The respondees mentioned Paint Power, GSS Draw, and
a never-released AT&T package called ImageDirector. Of these,
ImageDirector sounds most like MacDraw. The full responses are
listed below. Special Thanks go to respondees:
Keith Hageman
Steve Spearman
(guy, I would have printed your full name, but I somehow managed
to lose the end of your mail message. My apologies.)
To the AT&T folk out there, does anyone know the status of ImageDirector?
Could it be distributed to the user community, or is there some kind of
pre-emptive legal agreement?
Bruce McKee
Villanova University
"The opinions stated here are solely those of the author, and do not reflect
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of the Republican Party, the Church of Latter Day Saints, and the 4-H Club of
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opinions that need a warm and caring home, preferably one guarded by a pack of
vicious Philadelphia lawyers."
I recently installed a nonsupported version of AT&T's ImageDirector
for the UnixPC.
The package doesn't come with documentation but I figured out how
to run it without any. Compared to MacDraw, ImageDirector is a
bit more crude but does a lot of the same functions.
Pluses for ImageDirector are that it does boxes, text, scanning (if
you have a scanner). The graphics are similar to MacDraw and their
is a "Pencil" mode for drawing with the mouse.
Output is to a dot matrix. I don't think postscript output is available.
Keith Hageman
(303) 538-1673 (work voice phone)
The GSS drawing series (GSS Draw?) that AT&T marketed was object
oriented, but it was pretty simple and ugly. The only half-way
decent drawing program I saw for the 7300 was the PaintPower
program which resembles MacPaint. It did have a lot of bugs
though and as far as I know never got past version 1.0.
Steve Spearman (att,ihnp4)!druco!spear
The closest thing I have seen is a package called
"Image Director" that was under development when the 7300 folded.
This package was never commercialy available for the 7300
(I was told that the program was sold for the 6300).
It has been distributed in binary form with an "att employees only"
stipulation. I'm not sure who to ask, but if I'll see if I can get
permission to distirbute it. (Who could care if we give away
a never finished program for a discontinued machine?)
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