kill the arrow?

Michael Ditto ditto at cbmvax.UUCP
Tue Aug 2 13:09:39 AEST 1988

In article <747 at cbnews.ATT.COM> feb at cbnews.ATT.COM (Franco E. Barber) writes:
>>In article <6092 at> dsueme at (dave sueme) writes:
>>>Is it possible to kill that goddamned arrow?  How?
>In my case, I don't even have the mouse plugged in.
>When I boot the machine up, the arrow is gone.
>However, when I use scrset to blank the screen, the arrow pops up
>when the screen unblanks.

AH HA!!! THAT'S IT!!!  I've been trying to figure out exactly what the
catalyst was that made the arrow re-appear; the screen-blank makes perfect
sense... that's why the v3.0 people never saw it, and that's why it always
seemed to be after a random interval, but never immediately after reboot,
and never when I was looking!  Ok, pardon my amazement, but I was really
starting to get curious.

>The arrow returns in the upper left corner of the screen.
>Since my mouse is unplugged, I can't move it.
>I want to remove it completely.

My solution was to add a new feature to the keyboard driver... Mouse
Control!  I can move the mouse pointer and simulate all the buttons
right from the keyboard, without having the mouse plugged in!  Other
than playing with it a bit, the only thing I ever use it for is to
put the arrow where I only see one pixel of it and leave it there.
Of course, that's all I ever did with the mouse, anyway.

I think my next hack will be to have it boot up with the pointer
down there in the first place.

					-=] Ford [=-

	.		.		(In Real Life: Mike Ditto)
.	    :	       ,		ford at
This space under construction,		...!ucsd!elgar!ford
pardon our dust.			ditto at

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