Unix PC uugetty, Sun 3/50 or 4/110 getty

Bob Ames bob at rush.cts.com
Sat Dec 31 06:49:12 AEST 1988

We're connecting an AT&T UNIX PC to a Sun 4/110.

We've got uugetty on the AT&T (3.51, hardware flow control enabled,
new combo PROM, HDB/BNU).  We've got getty on the sun ALM-II
(4-3.2_REV2, set the kernel bit to recognize carrier).
The cable we're using is the standard AT&T cable:
1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 4-5, 5-4, 6&8-20, 7-7, 20-6&8

The Sun appears to announce 'nodename login:' regardless
of existance of carrier.  This leads to 'getty wars'.

If the sun would just shut up until it gets a character (like
the AT&T), these wars would not be fought.

Or perhaps I need to use a different cable.  Any thoughts?

Bob Ames
  National Organization for the  | Bob Ames       \ Marijuana: "The safest drug
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