ka9q TCP/IP 871225.30 on lazlo

Randy Suess randy at chinet.chi.il.us
Wed Dec 21 05:59:34 AEST 1988

In article <100 at lazlo.UUCP> ccs at lazlo.UUCP (Clifford C. Skolnick) writes:
> I guess there aer alot of people out there who want the ka9q source!
>I have put it only lazlo for anonymous UUCP in ~uucp/ka9q.30.Z which is

	Just pulled it off today.  Thanks.  Is there any way to make
	the ka9 package act as a server for a SysV machine?  I would
	like to have my 3b1, and various PC's be able to run SLIP into
	my 3b2/310.
	Thanks for any pointers.

Randy Suess                 * But don't underestimate raw, frothing,  *
randy at chinet.chi.il.us      * manic hardware.           -barry shein  *

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