HELP with the UNix-pc pty

Muhammad S. Benten benten at
Mon Dec 5 05:39:40 AEST 1988

Hello netlanders
        Please forget about the Unix-pc pty problem, it is working fine.
I also would like to tell you that I got "vtem"  the public domain
vt100 terminal emulator working on the unix-pc.  It is a bit slow but
will let you invoke a shell that emulates the basic vt100 based on the
termcap capability of your origional terminal. If there is enough interest
I'll post the diffs or the sources. By the way it requires the pty loadable
device driver.  It is useful for those who use cu, kermit or pcomm and
would like vt100 terminal emulation. Many features can be easily added 
to this package to utilize character sets and adding vt102 capabilities
by those who have spare time, I don't.


Muhammad S. Benten

benten at
... ncar!boulder!benten!benetn

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