Performance questions

Don Joslyn don at dons3b1.UUCP
Sat Dec 17 10:45:20 AEST 1988

Expert Tuners,

	I have some questions regarding UNIX-PC system tuning:

	1.	Can the sticky bit be used to make loading programs faster on
		the UNIX-PC?  If yes, what programs have you set the sticky bit
		on?  Any comments?

	2.	I have 2 meg of memory.  What can I change in /etc/master to
		increase disk performance?  How did it help your system

	3.	Should I add -s to the fsck command in /etc/rc to sort the free
		list?  If yes, why should I?

	Any helpful hints would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance,

P.S.	UA is already a goner.  If and when I need it, I can execute it like
	any other command. :-)

Don Joslyn
Cooper City, Florida
UUCP:  ...{uflorida,ucf-cs}!novavax!dons3b1!don

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