3b1 for sale

Edward C. Bennett edward at engr.uky.edu
Tue Dec 27 00:14:17 AEST 1988

A friend of mine has asked me to advertise that she wishes to sell
her 3b1. Her's is a vanilla 3b1 with the exception that it has a
brand new (67M) hard disk. It has Unix 3.51 and the Development Set.

She is asking $2000, but I'm sure you can barter her down. If you're
interested, call (606) 273-9394, ask for Vickie.
Edward C. Bennett - The other MMDF guy		DOMAIN: edward at engr.uky.edu
(606) 257-4938				UUCP: {rutgers|uunet}!ukma!ukecc!edward
"Goodnight M.A."				BITNET: edward%engr.uky.edu at ukma
	"He's become a growling, snarling mass of white-hot canine terror"

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