login clone vs. Chuck Brunow

John Salmi john at boink.UUCP
Thu Dec 8 00:21:51 AEST 1988

Dear unix-pc community,

Please forgive this waste of bandwidth, and I know that what I'm about to
say here will be along the same lines of what I'm about to complain about,

Chuck & BeachBum:

	Take your character deformation and flamage to either alt.flame,
which is an alternate newsgroup specifically set up for flaming, or better
yet, how about email to each other?  I'm sure that it is satisfying to flame
each other in a public forum, but do you think that the rest of the unix-pc
users (and non pc'ers, for that matter) who read this group want to be 
participants in your personal "i'm-gonna-get-him-before-he-gets-me" war?
I, for one, do not, and despite the good things you've BOTH had to say in
the past, I've placed you both in my kill file (at least for the next
month or so).

Chuck - the xenix vs. unix thing:  any competent programmer can whip a
pseudo-portable application into shape on most any unix or unix-type machine.
The guy wrote some code, and gave it away.  For free.  He did most of the
work.  I'm reading the code and making whatever changes will be needed for
the sucker to run WELL on my 3b1.

BeachBum - thanks for the code.

Once again, net, I appologize for the waste of net.bandwidth, but I feel
that this needed to be said before things got outta hand here, as I' ve 
seen in a lot of other groups.

john salmi		internet: boink!john at shamash.cdc.com
software engineer	domain:	  jsalmi at unix.eta.com
eta systems, inc.	uucp:	  {amdahl,rutgers}!bungia!shamash!boink!john
st. paul, mn

he:	"i love you".
she:	"i love you too, but in a different way, the way that disappears
	 when you leave the room".

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