7300 RAM

Dave Arnold dave at arnold.UUCP
Mon Dec 12 02:35:48 AEST 1988

In article <265 at arnold.UUCP>, I write:
> I have a 512K motherboard with a 1.5meg combo card, and this
> weekend I hope to modify a 512K RAM expansion board with John
> Milton's hardware mod. so I can use it with the combo card.
> Now... what I ultimately want to do, is upgrade the 512K RAM expansion
> board to 2M, and use it with the 1.5meg combo board, giving
> me a total of 4M (.5 + 1.5 + 2.0).  Does anybody know of any
> reason why I can't do this?

Each slot gets 512K.  I guess this means I can't do it.
Dave Arnold
dave at arnold.UUCP
Volt Delta Resources     Phone: (714) 921-7635

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