Combo board problems

john salmi jsalmi at eta.unix.ETA.COM
Wed Dec 14 02:36:22 AEST 1988

Hi net.  I have a 3b1 which came with 1.5 Meg, and I have the combo board
installed in my box.  I am failry sure that I'm getting to the memory,
but have been unable to get the serial ports to come active.  

The board in installed in the center slot.  I should qualify the above
statement -- I have a 3b1 and NO MANUALS.  I've been winging it for some
time now, and am to the point of breaking down and buying the doc set.
Anyone know of a spare set of unixpc manuals?

Thanks, as always, in advance!

john salmi                internet:  boink!john at
eta systems, inc.         domain:    jsalmi at
1450 energy park drive    uucp:      {uunet,amdahl,rutgers}!bungia!eta!jsalmi
st paul, mn  55108        voice:     (612) 642-3012

He:	"I love you."
She:	"I love you too, but in a different way, the way that disappears
	 when you leave the room."

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