ubluit exists

Guy Harris guy at auspex.UUCP
Sat Dec 17 20:15:16 AEST 1988

>I can't give you any answers, but I have turned up an interesting
>clue.  I happened to run strings on /usr/ucb/mail on my Sun 3/50 (BSD
>4.2, Sun 3.5.2) today and what should appear in the output but

"ubluit" appears to be the user name used by "Mail"/"mailx" if it can't
find a user name for the current user ID any other way - for instance,
if "/etc/passwd" can't be read, and, at least in the S5R3 version, the
LOGNAME environment variable isn't set.  Given that the file system
seemed to be in the process of being eaten by moths, that might explain

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