3b1 Upgrade

Root root1 at booth.UUCP
Mon Dec 19 14:26:07 AEST 1988

In article <8532 at alice.UUCP> wilber at alice.UUCP (Bob Wilber) writes:
>You are right that there is very little room in the box, but if I recall
>correctly from the last time I looked inside there ought to be just enough
>space to mount the board against the back "wall" as Thad suggested.  I'm not
>certain of this -- the metal "fingers" that ground the back of the disk drive
>enclosure might get in the way.  (This space is the same on both 3b1's and
>7300's.)  It can get pretty hot where I keep my 3b1 and I am loath to remove
>the second fan.
>Bob Wilber

Well, it seems to me that what we are taking about is the addition of a 
second hard disk drive to the unit.  Obviously the internal power supply is
going to be VERY taxed if you attempt to use that to supply the second
drives power, so...  It seems to me that an external power supply/case is
going to be necessary for another drive, so why not mount BOTH drives
externally, this will free up plenty of space and also remove quite a
bit of load ftom the internal power supply.  At the same time, (this 
ocours to me as I have both 96tpi and 48tpi floppies mounted externally,
as well as the hard drive) you might consider mounting the floppy externally
also.  I have my hard drive external, and the floppies are mounted right
next to the unit.  I use an external supply for the hard drive, but rigged
a MS-DOS disk power supply "y" cable for two drives on the internal
supply for the (formerly) single floppy.  This also frees up more space and
allows a rather simple route of the cable(s) through the flexable case

						- Roger

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