HELP! Problem uucp'ing from SHOP

David Mundhenk doc at holin.ATT.COM
Sat Dec 10 07:07:26 AEST 1988

I am relatively new to the UNIX pc (strange animal, but I like it :-)
I know, I work for AT&T but don't really know who around here to ask
this. I am trying to uucp from the STORE also and my 7300 doesn't seem
to even try to make the call. Just so the following is not repeated:

In article <12230 at>, thad at (Thad P Floryan) writes:
> Willian Kayser is reporting problems contacting the "shop" ...
> The enclosed material comprises the "shop" entries on my system; 
I seem to have the proper entry in L.sys....
"shop Any ph0 1200 *99574646 "" \d ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
NOTE: I have to    ^^   dial "*9" to get an outside line here, is this a

> Since you're using the OBM, just be SURE the /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices has
> a line line the following:
> OBM ph0 UNIXPC 1200
I have this same entry, although I don't know what OBM is...8-)

> The uucp commands you showed in your example were ok.
I used the same uucp command line...
Does the telephone have to be in data mode?
Any advice would be appreciated.

Dave Mundhenk
EMAIL: ...!att!holin!doc  | "I can't complain but |   /^,
VOICE: (201)-949-5308     |  sometimes I still do"|  /  } _, , , __
#include <std.disclaimer> |  - Joe Walsh          | /_./ (_l |/ <~_

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