3b1 Upgrade

Thad P Floryan thad at cup.portal.com
Tue Dec 13 18:07:08 AEST 1988

Clifford Skolnick muses: "how else to run a cable to the second disk drive?"

Simple (and I've done it (run a cable out)): assuming a vacant expansion
slot, remove its cover, from one edge (using a nibbling tool) cut out an
opening for a connector, mount said connector (IDC, with ribbon cable),
re-affix the expansion slot cover (with attached connector), and run the
ribbon cable to the 2 motherboard connectors.

The above will ONLY be practical IF one has an unused expansion slot.

I prefer the hole-with-plate-in-back-of-the-case scheme I diagrammed last

Thad Floryan [thad at cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad]

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