HELP with the Unix-pc pty driver

Muhammad S. Benten benten at boulder.Colorado.EDU
Sun Dec 4 17:06:03 AEST 1988

Hello netlanders
      I'm having a problem with the Unix-pc pty  driver. I have
installed the driver and I'm trying to it use but having the following
problem with the slave tty.
It looks like that the slave tty output buffer is not flushed until
it is full !!!! When a process writes to the slave tty, the master
pty will not see any thing until about 512 characters are avaialable.
This problem doesn't happen with the master pty and I was able to read
every single character written to it.  I'm using the driver as is, and
installed it using the Install script on a 3.51 OS.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Muhammad S. Benten
University of Colorado.

Email:  benten at

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