Large files on the Unix PC

Ed Horch ebh at argon.UUCP
Wed Dec 7 01:41:22 AEST 1988

In article <12041 at> thad at (Thad P Floryan) writes:
>Best I can determine, the ONLY limit on a file's size is the available disk
>space.  Run your system below 1MB free and watch the nifty gas gauge icon
>appear in the status window!  :-)

Which version of the Unix PC operating system are you running?  I'm
running 3.5, and the only warning I get is when the root file system
goes below 5%.  Then, about every ten minutes, the console beeps, and
a warning message appears in a pop-up window.  The "Touch enter to
continue" thing eats all my typed characters until I do just that.
Very annoying when I'm in an editor.  If I don't type anything, the
window goes away in a couple minutes, only to reappear ten minutes
later.  There's no way to say "I *know*, so shut up!"

Is the gas-gauge icon a little less obtrusive?


Still debating whether or not to wait for 3.51b to upgrade...

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