UNIX<->MSDOS files?

Stewart gmark at ihlpf.ATT.COM
Fri Dec 23 17:36:31 AEST 1988

Folks, I've heard of a program that was distributed to
convert MS-DOS files to UNIX.  Anybody still have anything like
that?  Ya' see, I have a jim-spankin'-new HP Deskjet printer
and a "Softfont" package.  Seems the developers of the package
assumed that anyone that had a "computer" would be running
MSDOS, so the UNIX-PC cannot use "Softfont"s.  I want to
fix that, and the conversion program would greatly
speed that up.  Thanks in advance!

				- Mark

				G. Mark Stewart
				ATT_BTL, Naperville, Ill. ix1g266
				ihlpq!gms (312)979-0914
				(please include phone for response)

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