Observations on the failure of the 7300

Dave Arnold dave at arnold.UUCP
Mon Dec 5 10:26:17 AEST 1988

Following is a list of items that I feel would have made the UNIXpc a
success, instead of a belly flop.

1)	Market the beast for Computer nuts.  Instead of Business
	Lotus 1-2-3 users.  In it's time, it was a pretty spiffy

2)	Put sockets on the motherboard for RAM expansion!!!
	Now really, how much extra could this cost AT&T?
	And just provide 1 meg of 256k bit drams as the
	entry level system.

3)	If AT&T never introduced the system with a 10 or 20 meg
	85 ms. hard disk, it wouldn't have got the bad press in
	the early days!

4)	Have a entry system price tag of $3500 instead of $6500.
	Really guys, you blew it!!

5)	Offer a SCSI bus option!!

6)	Give the video as much vertical resolution as horizontol

7)	Skip the whole UA business... This did more harm than good.

I bought my system Dec. 24 1986 used before fire sale prices for $1500.
At the time, it had a 10meg drive, with 512k.  And version 1.5 of
the kernel... Yes 1.5 what ever that was.

I'm happy with it though.  Recently, I almost put it in the closest
and bought a 386 system, but figured I could get more life out of it.
It is showing it's age though.  Oh well...
Dave Arnold
dave at arnold.volt.com
Volt Delta Resources     Phone: (714) 921-7635

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