Performance questions

John B. Milton jbm at uncle.UUCP
Thu Dec 22 17:26:09 AEST 1988

In article <19 at dons3b1.UUCP> don at dons3b1.UUCP (Don Joslyn) writes:
>	1.	Can the sticky bit be used to make loading programs faster on
>		the UNIX-PC?  If yes, what programs have you set the sticky bit
>		on?  Any comments?
If you have LOTS of memory, and low system usage, yes.

>	2.	I have 2 meg of memory.  What can I change in /etc/master to
>		increase disk performance?  How did it help your system
>		performance?
You can anything you want in /etc/master, and it will NOT increase you disk
performance. This weirdo UNIX AT&T put on this machine is not supplied with
the normal .o files and libraries to re-link the kernel to re-configure it.
The re-configuration is limited to the parameters that can be poked at with the
ktune(7) command. All you can change is: nbuf, ninode, nfile, nproc, ntext,
nclist, npbuf, ncall and nttyhog. It does this by patching a ktune struct in
the kernel. The kernel uses these values as the "desired" value the next time
it boots.

>	3.	Should I add -s to the fsck command in /etc/rc to sort the free
>		list?  If yes, why should I?
This one is very clumsy on a one drive, one partition machine, but it could
be done easily at boot-up time in /etc/rc.

John Bly Milton IV, jbm at uncle.UUCP, n8emr!uncle!jbm at
(614) h:294-4823, w:764-2933;  Got any good 74LS503 circuits?

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