Can't read netnews with "rn" from dialup ?

Pat Barron pat at
Fri Dec 2 14:33:07 AEST 1988

I have News 2.11 running on my 7300, and use "rn" to read the news.  I've
just found that "rn" won't work when I'm dialed in on /dev/ph1 - it complains
about not being able to open /dev/tty.  It turns out that, when logged
on to ph1, I can not open either /dev/tty or /dev/ph1 for read (even though
I own the device).  I have a feeling that the system won't allow a process
to open the phone port if someone else already has it open (even if that
someone else is the owner of the device!).

Is there any way around this?  I'd really rather not have to use "readnews"
when I'm dialled up ...

Pat Barron
Internet:  pat at  - or -   orac!pat at
UUCP:  ...!uunet!apexepa!sei!orac!pat  - or -  ...!pitt!darth!orac!pat

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