3B1 problem: mysterious core files in /etc/lddrv

Chris Siebenmann cks at ziebmef.uucp
Fri Dec 23 17:14:42 AEST 1988

 Every so often (once a day right now, it seems) *something* here is
dumping core in /etc/lddrv. The core file is owner root, group sys;
the latest one was dumped when the only thing going on was a UUCP
connection with my newsfeed. The cores run around 100K or so (the
latest one was 98304 bytes long), and while there's a crontab job that
fires up around that time, it seems to have completed without any
"core dumped" messages in its output. Everything seems to continue to
run fine; it's just making me nervous and chewing up some disk space
every now and then. 

 Any ideas on what program might dump core in /etc/lddrv? Any ideas on
how to identify what program produced a specific core dump? Is this
information stored anywhere in the core file? 

 Thanks in advance; reply by mail if possible and I'll summarize.
[The next hop on pathalias's preferred mail path to here just went
away; please route mail manually until the January maps come out.]
	"You're a prisoner of the dark sky/The propeller blades are still
	 And the evil eye of the hurricane's/Coming in for the kill"
Chris Siebenmann		uunet!utgpu!{ontmoh!moore,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
cks at ziebmef.UUCP	     or	.....!utgpu!{,ontmoh!,ncrcan!brambo!}cks

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