3b1 Upgrade

Gary Sanders gws at n8emr.UUCP
Tue Dec 13 09:26:41 AEST 1988

>In article <8516 at alice.UUCP> wilber at alice.UUCP (Bob Wilber) writes:
>>... I'm not keen on removing the second fan in
>>order to poke kludgey connectors through the grate... 
No one is forcing you do anything, with the daughter board.  Whenever 
you get the board put the dam thing where you want it.  If you dont want
to mount the board where it works best and can find someplace to
mount it inside "go for it.." I can tell you that with a 1/2HT disk in 
the 7300 the machine has very little room inside the system to mount 
anything else.

On the dual disk upgade I have, I  run all of the cables out the grate of 
1 fan and it works fine. I suspect that johns daughter board will have
enough cable to be put in the fan area, if you want it someplace else
legnthen the cables..

Gary W. Sanders (osu-cis!n8emr!gws, gws at osu-cis) (cis) 72277,1325
(packet) N8EMR @ W8CQK  (ip addr)
HAM/SWL/SCANNER BBS (1200/2400/19.2-PEP) 614-457-4227

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