OBM goes out?

wtr at moss.ATT.COM wtr at moss.ATT.COM
Fri Dec 9 02:29:18 AEST 1988

the other day i did a remote login to my 3b1
(40Meg/3.51/HDB installed)  i did a mailx command, at which
point the screen locked.  hitting <DEL> several times 
produced a stream of 'R' characters.  i disconnected and
tried to log in again.  i connected, but all i got was a
couple of 'R's again and then lockup.  trying a third time
to login, the modem would not answer.

got home and logged in.  there was an inverse video block
where the mail-envelope normally is. otherwise, thing were
running okay.  a uugetty was running, so everything seemed
fine.  trying to cu to the vaxen at work produced the following:

ME:	cu dk
3b1:	trying modem /dev/ph1 (etc...)
(here modem click)
3b1:	Carrier Lost (or something like that)
3b1:	DISCONNECT (all within 1-2 seconds)

killing the uugetty, waiting for it to respawn, and retrying
produced the same results.  cycling power cleared the
problem out.

any ideas? questions? WAGs? :-)

thanx for the help,
Bill Rankin
Bell Labs, Whippany NJ
(201) 386-4154 (cornet 232)

email address:		...!att!moss!wtr

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