Odds and Ends (Questions on 3B1)

Steve Wampler sbw at naucse.UUCP
Thu Dec 22 04:02:49 AEST 1988

I have a few questions that have been puzzling me.  Nothing
earth shattering, but I'm curious...

(1) Why do some programs seem to run faster under the UA?
    Take, for example, the simplistic 'life' program from
    THE STORE!(tm).

(2) Has anyone tried to rewrite the ms-dos formatter to format
    at 9 sectors instead of 8?  How about a binary patch for
    the current version?  (This is the program run from the
    UA when you request an MS-DOS floppy format.)
    I've tried to disassemble the program (no luck with 'dis')
    and tried to look at it with adb (I haven't found a valid
    text address (yet)) with no results.

	Steve Wampler

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