origin of unix-pc discussion

Kathy Vincent kathy at bakerst.UUCP
Sun Feb 7 05:33:27 AEST 1988

In article <1313 at edison.GE.COM>, rja at edison.GE.COM (rja) writes:
> I still don't understand 
> the antagonism of the vocal "anti- USENET" people. 

I think you are misinterpreting.  I don't think anyone of
this crowd is "anti-USENET."  *I*'m certainly not.
None of us would be here if we were.

And I don't think anyone is antagonistic here.  Disagreement
is not automatically antagonism.  It can degenerate into antagonism
- and all too often does - but it isn't automatically antagonism.

Kathy Vincent ------>  {ihnp4|mtune|codas|ptsfa}!bakerst!kathy
              ------>  {ihnp4|mtune|burl}!wrcola!kathy
              ------>  { favourite AT&T gateway }!wruxe!unix

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