unix-pc.* newsgroups

Michael J. Farren farren at gethen.UUCP
Tue Feb 2 07:25:57 AEST 1988

In article <213 at teletron.UUCP> andrew at teletron.UUCP (Andrew Scott) writes:
>I got suspicious when I noticed that *every*
>file in /usr/spool/news/unix-pc/* had multiple links.

On gethen, about 50% of the unix-pc articles are for unix-pc only - no
multiple links on 'em.  Of the rest, essentially all of 'em were posted
originally to comp.sys.att, with unix-pc added as a cross-posting.  It
isn't a simplistic situation - there is such a mix of unix-pc only,
comp.sys.att only, and cross-posts that deciding to eliminate *either*
source of information would be a losing proposition.

Michael J. Farren             | "INVESTIGATE your point of view, don't just 
{ucbvax, uunet, hoptoad}!     | dogmatize it!  Reflect on it and re-evaluate
        unisoft!gethen!farren | it.  You may want to change your mind someday."
gethen!farren at lll-winken.llnl.gov ----- Tom Reingold, from alt.flame 

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