Available Hard Disks for 7300

Craig Votava cmv at ihuxz.ATT.COM
Sat Feb 20 06:04:06 AEST 1988

I've had some more requests to post this list, with updates, so here it is!
The drives that I have "verified 7300" next to are drives that I *KNOW* by
first had experience, or reliable second hand experience, have been simply
"dropped" into the machine as a replacement drive. I'm sure there are more
out there that can be verified, or that are missing from this list. Please
drop me mail if you can help me update this list any.

Once again, here it is...

Model	Height	Size 		Ave Sk	Heads:		Recording
		unformatted	time	Cylinders	Method      Comments
----------------------------CONTROL DATA-------------------------------------
FWCDC48	Full	48.20MBytes	28msec	5:925		MFM
94205-51 Half	51.__MBytes	28msec	?		?
FWCDC85	Full	85.30MBytes	28msec	8:1024		MFM
94155-86 Full	86.__MBytes	28msec	9:925		MFM	verified 7300
-------------------------DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP------------------------------
RD32	Half	51.__MBytes	48msec	?		?
RD52	Full	33.__MBytes	38msec	8:512		MFM	(Quantum)
RD53	Full	85.__MBytes	38msec	8:1024		MFM	(Micropolis1335)
RD54	Full	191._MBytes	38msec	?		?	(Maxtor2190??)
2243AS2	Full	86.__MBytes	30msec	11:754		MFM	Thanks joe!
2443T	Half	86.__MBytes	25msec	7:1185		MFM
DK521	Half	51.40MBytes	25msec	?		?
XT1085	Full	85.30MBytes	28msec	8:1024		MFM
XT1140	Full	143.5MBytes	27msec	15:918		MFM
XT2190	Full	191.2MBytes	30msec	15:1224		MFM
1333A	Full	53.30MBytes	30msec	5:1024		MFM
1335	Full	85.30MBytes	30msec	8:1024		MFM
HH-1050	Half	53.35MBytes	28msec	?		MFM
HH-4050	Full	53.35MBytes	18msec	?		?
3053	Half	44.00MBytes	29msec  5:1024		MFM	7300 verified
3212+	Half	12.75MBytes	53msec	2:615		MFM
3425+	Half	21.40MBytes	53msec	4:615		MFM
3650	Half	42.25MBytes	61msec	6:809		MFM
6032	Full	26.70MBytes	28msec	3:1024		MFM
6053	Full	44.60MBytes	28msec	5:1024		MFM
6085	Full	71.30MBytes	28msec	8:1024		MFM
---------------------------NEWBURY DATA INC----------------------------------
NDR1000	Full	65.__MBytes	25msec	?		?
NDR2000 Full	190._MBytes	28msec	?		?
ID40	Full	51.10MBytes	28msec	5:981		MFM
ID45H	Half	53.20MBytes	28msec	5:1024		MFM
ID60	Full	71.50MBytes	28msec	7:981		MFM
ID130	Full	159.9MBytes	28msec	15:1024		MFM
519	Full	191.2MBytes	22msec	?		?
-----------------------------RODIME INC--------------------------------------
RO5090	Full	89.__MBytes	28msec	?		?
ST225	Half	25.60MBytes	20msec	4:615		MFM
ST251	Half	51.20MBytes	40msec	6:820		MFM
ST251-1	Half	51.20MBytes	28msec	6:820		MFM
ST4038	Full	38.20MBytes	40msec	5:733		MFM
ST4053	Full	50.90MBytes	40msec	5:1024		MFM
ST4096	Full	96.00MBytes	28msec	9:1024		MFM

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