Shared library problem

wilber at alice.UUCP wilber at alice.UUCP
Sun Feb 7 15:33:43 AEST 1988

I'm having problems linking with the shabbily documented shared library
feature.  The problem is that there are library routines that aren't in the
shared libraries (lockf and _assert come to mind).  So I want to link them in
"normally" while sharing whatever can be shared.  When I try to do this in the
obvious way (including both the relevant shared and unshared libraries as
arguments to ld) the linker complains.  It seems to insist that everything or
nothing be shared.  Is there some way to mix the two?

Bob Wilber    {ihnp4, mtune}!gauss!wilber     wilber at

Bob Wilber   Work: UUCP: {mtune, ihnp4}!gauss!wilber
                   ARPA: wilber at
             Home: UUCP: {mtune, ihnp4}!gauss!heaven!wilber

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