Data calls from Telephone manager - automatic login?

Bergstedt rich at bergy.UUCP
Sun Feb 14 15:58:43 AEST 1988

I have set up several data entries in my telephone directory
and I was wondering if anyone had hacked the problem of the
return key needing to be hit before the script takes off and
does the automatic logon sequence I have set up.  Sometimes
I get interrupted and don't do it and I get timed out while
trying to connect messages.

If this has been discussed before on the net, I apologize.

Please send e-mail and if there is a solution, I will

|	Rich Bergstedt				AT&T Data Systems Group       |
|       voice: 714-855-5570			23421 S. Pointe Dr. #100      |
|	fax:   714-855-5690			Laguna Hills, CA 92653        |
|       uucp:  ...uunet!ccicpg!arnold!bergy!rich  -or- attmail!rbergstedt     |
|       DISCLAIMER: These are my opinions, definitely not AT&T's.             |

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