AT&T Calendar Program

Don Joslyn don at novavax.UUCP
Mon Feb 8 01:22:35 AEST 1988

I'm running 3.51 on my 3B1 and to my surprise I found a copy of pcal (The
Calendar program) in /etc/fixes.  I installed it in /usr/bin, suid to root, and
it works just fine.  I also added an entry in the ua menu so I could get to it

Take a look in /etc/fixes, you may be lucky too. :-)

Don Joslyn, Senior Systems Programmer
Nova University, Computer Center
3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314      Phone: (305) 475-7678
UUCP:  ...{ihnp4!codas,ucf-cs,allegra}!novavax!don
       ...{ihnp4!codas,ucf-cs,allegra}!novavax!dons3b1!don (Private)

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