rs232 expansion board memory upgrade REPOST
Craig Votava
cmv at ihuxz.ATT.COM
Sat Feb 20 06:01:33 AEST 1988
Here is the promised repost of the rs232 expansion board memory upgrade.
I still have not done this yet, maybe sometime soon.
/* Written 10:16 am Jul 29, 1987 by looney!cmv in ihlpm:unix-pc.general */
/* ---------- "Parts List for 0K RS232 Upgrade" ---------- */
Has anybody out there successfully upgraded a 0k RS232 expansion board yet?
I remember hearing about some folks giving it a try, but have not heard
anything yet.
Well, since I've not heard anything yet, and I'm planning on doing this
"real soon now", I thought I'd ask for some help from the net. After looking
at the schematics for the expansion board, and compairing it to my 0K board,
I came up with the following list of components that need to be added to
fully populate it with memory. The only problem is that the schematic does not
seem to show where all of the capacitors should be. If I could get someone to
list all the capacitor's and their locations from a fully populated board, I
would have a complete list of components to upgrade.
As a side note, can anyone explain the multitude of capacitor locations on the
board that aren't connected to anything? I thought that was kinda strange.
OK, here is my INCOMPLETE and UNVERIFIED list of components needed for this
upgrade. PLEASE be advised that an upgrade of this type requires many special
skills to be successful, and should NOT be attempted by anyone without them.
Also, anyone attempting an upgrade like this should realize that they are doing
all sorts of nasty things to their warranty with AT&T and are soley responsible
for any damage or problem with their system. Just to be on the safe side,
insert about 10 more disclaimers here.
-------- ----
[A,B,C,E,H,J,K][5,6,7,8,9,10] 48256 (memory chips)
1B 74AS74
2C,2E 74LS280
2H 74F00
2J 74F32
3A 74F08
3H,3J 74F138
3K,4A,4B,4C,4E,4H,4J,4K 74F258
All Resistors are 1/4W 5%
R1,R2 33 Ohm
RP2,RP3,RP4,RP5,RP6,RP7,RP8,RP10,RP12 33 Ohm - 8pin Resistor Pack
W1 Jumper
W2 Jumper
That's all I have right now, if anybody can add to the list, or offer some
advice, please send me mail, or post to this newsgroup!
Craig Votava
AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville IL
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