AT&T Calendar Program

Ted H. Emigh emigh at
Tue Feb 9 00:59:40 AEST 1988

In article <8260 at> david at (David Herron) writes:
>FYI, I've had my 3b1 since august and JUST LAST THURSDAY received
>my copy of the personal calendar.  You get a disk and a little
>manual and a folder to keep it all in.  I've heard one story
>of it taking something on the order of a year for one person
>to receive theirs...

>a 6 month wait is better'n 18 months :-)

Here at NCSU, we have had our 7300's (15 of them) since December 1986 --
now going on 14 months and haven't gotten the personal calendar yet!!
We haven't been pushing for it since some version of it is on the machines
already, but STILL ....

Ted H. Emigh, Dept. Genetics and Statistics, NCSU, Raleigh, NC
uucp:	mcnc!ncsuvx!ncsugn!emigh	internet:
BITNET: NEMIGH at TUCC         at

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