Has anyone gotten a Trailblazer working on tty000 (UNIXPC)

David Herron -- Resident E-mail Hack david at ms.uky.edu
Tue Feb 2 15:07:59 AEST 1988

yes, trailblazers work ok on unix-pc's ...

I had two for testing (before ordering the 2 we've got on order)
and had one on the vax here and one on my 3b1 at home.  They configured
about the same and it worked fine.  I only had the one at home running
at 9600 baud rather than 19.2 kbaud 'cause the uucp didn't support
the faster speed.  (I've got the stock uucp in the machine since I
haven't gone to the trouble of setting up HDB yet).  Given that little
tidbit, the 8000 baud effective throughput looks pretty good.
<---- David Herron -- The E-Mail guy            <david at ms.uky.edu>
<---- or:                {rutgers,uunet,cbosgd}!ukma!david, david at UKMA.BITNET
<---- It takes more than a good memory to have good memories.

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