UNIX PC going into production again?

Boyd Ostroff ostroff at oswego.Oswego.EDU
Sat Feb 27 10:02:38 AEST 1988

In article <1029 at woton.UUCP> riddle at woton.UUCP (Prentiss Riddle ) writes:
>On the other hand, the latest gossip is that AT&T (or presumably
>Convergent) is about to put the UNIX PC into production again

In the March issue of UNIX WORLD ("Can You Afford a Workstation Yet?", p50)
Walter Zintz writes:

	"Then there is what may be the greatest workstation bargain of them
	all - AT&T's foundling, the 3B1.

	(description of the 3B1 omitted)

	Then AT&T marketers overpriced it and compounded the problem by
	pushing it as a PC.  Sales went nowhere; the warehouse started to
	overflow.  So AT&T had a giveaway clearance sale last summer and 
	now has them made in much smaller quantities."

Boyd Ostroff * Technical Director * Department of Theatre * SUNY Oswego
Voice: (315) 341-2138  *  sysop "The CallBoard": (315) 947-6414 300/1200 baud
Internet: ostroff%oswego.oswego.edu at devvax.tn.cornell.edu

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