strip(1) removes files protected on UNIX PC.

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.UUCP
Sat Feb 6 13:07:19 AEST 1988

I recently was compiling Nethack 2.2 on my UNIX PC and I noticed
something strange...  Basically the senario was;

$ cd Nethack
$ su
# nohup make &
Sending output to nohup.out.

[...wait for about 1 hour...]
[...Everything compiled normally and I had a nethack executable...]
$ rm -f *.o

[...Then I did...]
$ strip nethack
strip:  nethack:  cannot write, cannot strip

So I assume that the permissions were so that I couldn't write it, of
course they were since I was root when I started the compile.  But
to my suprise strip was very destructive.  It removed the executable,
because it wasn't owned by me and had a 644 permission.  Of course
I was a little peturbed since I prematurely removed all the objects (*.o).

Oh well.  The moral of the story, don't clean up your directories until
you "strip" your executable :-)

============================ US MAIL:   Lenny Tropiano, ICUS Computer Group
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