Need help with phone device on 7300/3b1

David H. Brierley dhb at
Fri Jan 29 03:46:08 AEST 1988

In article <421 at> I wrote:
> [ question about how to get the phone to hang up so that I could
>   accept a call-back from a dial in security system.]

I have just discovered that the mail forwarder for "" is out
of commision and is expected to remain that way for at least a week.
If anyone tried to send a reply to my question would you please resend
it to the address listed below.  The same request applies for anyone
who attempted to reply to my question about 3 1/2 inch disk drives.
Thanks in advance.
David H. Brierley
Raytheon Submarine Signal Division / 1847 West Main Road / Portsmouth, RI 02871

Phone:      (401)-847-8000 x4073
Internet:   dhb at
Uucp:       {cbosgd, gatech, linus, mirror, necntc, uiucdcs} !rayssd!dhb

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