unix-pc.* newsgroups

Lyndon Nerenberg lyndon at ncc.UUCP
Wed Jan 27 10:47:35 AEST 1988

In article <210 at teletron.UUCP>, andrew at teletron.UUCP (Andrew Scott) writes:
> As Kathy stated, many unix-pc net readers would lose information in the
> groups were swallowed by USENET.  My motivation for the above proposal is
> the opposite; I am at a 3b1 site that receives the full USENET newsfeed
> from a local site, but does not receive unix-pc groups, and probably won't
> if we have to pay long distance phone bills to get them.  (Justifying news
> to management would be difficult.)  I'd love to see more UNIX pc information
> than we already do through comp.sys.att, and this would be a painless way
> to get it if posters remember to cross post.

I will apologise for Andrew, he was obviously asleep when he
made the noted comment :-) [ Andrew - teletron should be getting
unix-pc.* from alberta, they started carrying it late last year
at my request (per your request) ].

If you don't get the unix-pc groups, post to news.admin requesting
a feed. The number of sites carrying the unix-pc groups is growing
quickly, and if the news admins start seeing a lot of requests
(in news.admin where they look for this sort of thing) they may be
inclined to pick the groups up anyway, especially due to the low
volume and good signal/noise ratio in these groups.

If you want a feed of unix-pc.* (or alt.*) and can't find another
source, I can set up a feed for your site (long distance though).
I would prefer sites running Trailblazers, but will take on 2400
baud sites if need be. I won't be able to do this forever, but I'll
do what I can to help until the connectivity of these groups improves.

--lyndon    ...!alberta!ncc!lyndon

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